Welcome! I am an assistant professor in the
Department of Physics at
Arizona State University,
where I work on
the study of the evolution and contents of the universe as a whole.
My research encompasses theory, simulations, and data analysis, with the common
theme of developing methods for learning more about the universe.
My recent activities primarily focus on 21cm intensity mapping, a (relatively) new way to probe the cosmic distribution of matter by measuring radiation from distant clouds of neutral hydrogen, and use it to learn about the fundamental laws of nature and our universe. I am a member of the CHIME collaboration, which is currently analyzing data from a custom-built radio telescope designed for this technique; the CHORD collaboration, which is building a successor telescope to CHIME; and the PUMA proposing team, which is developing a concept for a next-generation telescope that would use 21cm intensity mapping to obtain transformative cosmological constraints.
Beyond this, I have broad interests in cosmology, and have worked on perturbation theory for large-scale structure, baryonic effects on large-scale clustering, non-21cm line intensity mapping, and several other topics.
I am currently recruiting new PhD students to work with me on topics relevant to 21cm intensity mapping and cosmological large-scale structure. I will also consider supervising ASU undergraduate students for research credit or senior theses. If you are a prospective ASU Physics PhD student or current ASU undergraduate, feel free to contact me if you are interested.
Department of Physics Arizona State University 550 E. Tyler Mall Tempe, AZ 85287 USA
[my first name] [dot] [my last name] [at] asu [dot] edu
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